Our Office Number: 01606 331 853

Our Office Number:
01606 331 853

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Volunteers Week – 1st – 7th June

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Twenty Twenty and 2021 so far has been a challenge for everyone, and particularly for organisations like us. A lot of our services have been done differently, but we had to manage without our amazing volunteers as there were very few roles they could help us with.

There is light at the end of the tunnel though, as we start to open up again and begin to recruit new volunteers, and welcome back the volunteers that have waited patiently.

We really want to recognise the contribution volunteers have made to Disability Positive, not only over the past year but over many consecutive years…

Thank you volunteers, past, present, and future!

One really important role our volunteers had at the beginning of the pandemic was the distribution of much needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Our brilliant group of volunteers helped us get PPE out to our clients by collecting and delivering supplies all across Cheshire.

Thanks to their amazing efforts, Disability Positive have been nominated for a National Diversity Award, we’ll let you know when voting is open!

Thank you to those volunteers!

One place we have always needed Volunteers is our Community Engagement team. Volunteers play a vital part in running our fun and accessible social groups across the Cheshire. Over the past year, volunteers have joined zoom sessions, but we are really looking forward to welcoming them back to face-to-face groups from June. If you are interested in getting involved as a volunteer visit our website here.

But what is volunteering with us like? One of our newer volunteers, Emmerson, allowed us to share his volunteering experience with us since the pandemic. Emmerson joined us in the middle of the pandemic and has been volunteering as a befriender ever since. Here’s what Emmerson had to say about volunteering for Disability Positive.

I have really enjoyed volunteering with Disability Positive this past year, each week I have conversations with clients I am befriending that are different and spontaneous every time. I love the feeling I get from helping people and giving back, and I have done training courses as well which have given me valuable experience and knowledge to help with my role.

As someone that experiences mental health problems myself it has helped me personally, as it has given me positive focus. I have plans to expand on what I am doing and will soon be joining the Buzz social groups as a volunteer helper. I would highly recommend volunteering with disability positive“.

Thank you Emmerson – and all of our valued volunteers!

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