Our Office Number: 01606 331 853

Our Office Number:
01606 331 853

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Chief Executive Officer - Lynne Turnbull celebrates 20 years of work with Disability Positive.
It’s Volunteer Week (1st – 7th June) and we want to show you what some of our amazing volunteers have to say about their
Our Chief Executive Officer Lynne Turnbull and Care & Support Service Advisor Ronan Willis, recently met with MP Mike Amesbury to discuss the lack
On Sunday 23rd April, the UK will be sent an Emergency Alarm Test to your phones or tablets (ipad etc). The alerts (warnings) come
We are all struggling with the cost of gas and electricity. However, many disabled people need to use more energy to keep warm, manage

We’re excited to announce that our Good Company Social Group has been chosen to be part of the Co-op Local Community Fund for the next 12 months.