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Direct payment policy consultation

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Cheshire West and Chester councils Direct Payment consultation closes on the 3rd October 2018

The new policy makes a number of changes to current practice with an aim to:

Increase choice – The new policy extends what a Direct Payment can be spent on to allow recipients greater choice in the services they choose to meet their care needs

Smooth processes, increase clarity and efficiency – The proposed new policy and practice will ensure that service users, Carers and staff have a clear and agreed understanding of how the Direct Payment process operates. The new policy will also introduce processes that will reduce the time spent on administering the service and provide value for money such as the potential introduction of pre-payment cards and changes to contingency payments.

Reduce bureaucracy – The proposed introduction of pre-payment cards means that financial audits can be more light touch

Increased take up – The new policy and practice will simplify the process, which will encourage service users to choose the option of Direct Payments.

The purpose of the consultation is to enable you to:

  • Comment on the proposed changes to the current policy and practice.
  • Identify any gaps in the proposed policy and processes.
  • Make suggestions to help improve the proposed policy and processes.

How to take part

As a user of direct payments the Council is keen to hear your views on the proposed changes. There are a number of ways you can take part in the consultation:

  • complete the online questionnaire www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/directpayment
  • request a paper copy of the consultation document by contacting the Commissioning team on 01244 972865.  We also have an easy read version available upon request.

If you don’t want to complete the questionnaire but wish to share your views you can email your views to Commissioningandcontracts@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk or call the Commissioning team on 01244 972865.

Please contact us on 01244 73129 if you require any further information or assistance


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