Our Office Number: 01606 331 853

Our Office Number:
01606 331 853

Community Connections – Rex and Rosie’s story

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Brother and sister Rex and Rosie (11 and 13yrs) both have SEN.  Rex (11) has no friendship groups and struggles in social situations.  He requires a lot of adult support.  Rosie (13) also struggles in social situations and her processing skills/emotional age is of a child much younger.

What did we do to help?
The parents of Rex and Rosie were told about the Community Connections service to access activities for both children.

Where are we now?
They both now access activities that allow them to feel included and a sense of belonging with their peers which they both crave and need.  The positive role models within the groups allows them to build their social interaction skills and self confidence.

Rosie struggles with self-care and leading a healthy lifestyle so the activities she attends encourage her to move and get exercise.  Also the singing and dancing helps her emotionally as she has depression and PTSD.

Rex has ADHD and the clubs he accesses help him to focus on a particular activity and keep him occupied in a positive and healthy way.  He can socialise in a structured setting that wouldn’t happen outside of the group.  He feels like he fits in with the other children during these sessions.

It gives the parents the opportunity to have a break from caring and the 1:1 support they need.

What the parents say?
“The help and support from Disability Positive has been amazing as the new system was difficult to set up and navigate.  It’s difficult to try and plan 12 months in advance with our children as things change week to week.  The funding means our children can access activity we couldn’t afford otherwise and it gives them a healthier lifestyle.  The whole family benefit from the respite, especially me as it can be very tiring emotionally and physically at times. 

Thank you for your support and the amazing service you provide to parents”.