Our Office Number: 01606 331 853

Our Office Number:
01606 331 853

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Reflecting on a year of volunteering

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As we reflect on the past year we think of the volunteers that have supported us.

At this time last year we were in a situation where a lot of our clients were without Personal Protective Equipment – PPE, and unable to obtain any.
Due to the help of a few dedicated and caring individuals we were able to collect and deliver PPE across Cheshire, sometimes on a daily basis. THANK YOU!

We also set up a small befriending service manned by volunteers, this was to help those who felt isolated due to the pandemic, our volunteers adapted well to volunteering from home and virtually.
Unfortunately we lost some great volunteers along the way as we were unable to deliver the face to face services we once did. However, as we look optimistically forward we hope that we can start to actively recruit again.

There are signs of face to face delivery starting in our social groups and as the vaccine gets rolled out we hope to offer a more personalised service to clients, with the hope that the lifted restrictions will see staff being able to return to working in the office/offsite at specific venues. So if you are interested in volunteering keep an eye on our social media platforms and on our website, as roles will be advertised there.
Any enquiries that come in now are being held on record for when we know how things will look going forward.

In the meantime thank you to the volunteers that are currently supporting us and to those that have helped us over the past year. To the volunteers that have had to leave, we hope you will join us again when we enter our new normal.

By Viki Atherton
Volunteer & Training Manager

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