Our Office Number: 01606 331 853

Our Office Number:
01606 331 853

Responses to SS (Staff Suggestions) taken to SMT 16:1:2019

Published on:

Q1)  Saturday Swaps;  The option to swap a weekday to work on a Saturday for departments with an SLA (Service Level Agreement).  Once per month perhaps?.  Rather a full swap than TOIL or overtime to spare budgets.
A1)  Good idea for payroll and Supported Banking Service.  Your manager will be gauging interest once the parameters have been agreed on.  If opening Saturdays, the phones will be switched to on.

Q2)  Family/flexi days;  i.e short notice A/L without having to book 2 weeks in advance.
A2)  Emergency leave can already be booked – please refer to policy.

Q3)  Buy/sell A/L; can we have the option to buy and sell A/L.
A3)  No, not as a policy change.  However, SMT needs evidence that A/L is managed more effectively.  The caveat to this is that in certain cases, individuals’ circumstances will be taken into consideration – case by case.

Q4)  Client representation;  Can we have client representation on interview panels.
A4)  We already do this where appropriate, particularly in the Community Engagement team.  We need to ensure that having a disabled person on every panel will/can be seen as tokenism.

Q5)  Food Bank registration;  Can we become a registered collection point for Food Bank (links in to the strategic plan).
A5)  A paper has already been taken to the Board.  The decision was not to register as both Tesco and B & Q have collection points, which are in close proximity to Disability Positive.  SMT did offer to release volunteers to assist Tesco & B & Q but this wasn’t taken up by anyone.  This offer sill stands, please enquire with your line-manager if interested.

Thank you for some great suggestions, keep them coming to ensure we continue to work towards making Disability Positive a ‘Great Place to Work and Progress’ – as per strategy.

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