We’re calling on the government to make sure that our voices are heard and listened to in the planned changes to social care, making sure the changes meet our needs and enable us to live well.
We are very disappointed that the government has stated that £30.6 billion is going to the NHS, but only £5.4 billion is going to social care. Also, this does not recognise disabled people of working age with care and support needs, especially those who do not have considerable assets.
We can all help change this, and this is why we are calling on your support. Help us transform Health and Social Care by writing to your local MP about the importance of social care helping us live a full and independent life.
We have provided you with a template letter if you wish to use it, please download from here.
If you are not sure who your local MP is, you can find them here.
Alternatively, you can email policy@disabilitypositive.org and tell us what you would like to see social care look like and your experience of social care.