Our Office Number: 01606 331 853

Our Office Number:
01606 331 853

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Festive Closures and Timings

Published on:

Here are our closing times during the festive period, please note the Payroll Service deadlines and the dates for any triage support from General Advocacy and Arrangement of Care and Support Service;

If you are a Payroll client, please submit any hours before the end of 15th December allowing enough time for payslips to be processed before we close for Christmas.
Last day for payments for supported banking are the 20th December.

General Advocacy can be reached by email:  advocacy@disabilitypositive.org during the festive closures – please note that this inbox will only be checked periodically over the festive period.

Arrangement of Care & Support Service can be reached by the triage line 0333 366 0107 (local call rate) on 27th,  28th and 29th December between 9am – 5pm.

We will be closed for the festive period on the following dates:

Monday 25th December ……………………. Closed

Tuesday 26th December …………………… Closed

Wednesday 27th December ………………. Closed

Thursday 28th December …….……………. Closed

Friday 29th December ………….…………… Closed

Monday 1st January ……………..……..……. Closed

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very peaceful Christmas and hope the new year is kind to everyone.

Our office re-opens on Tuesday 2nd January 2024

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