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Don’t Just Talk About it! Report it!

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We’ve recently seen how we can all get involved in Safeguarding Adults during Safeguarding Adults Week.

We are extremely proud to share with you what the service user involvement group, for the Cheshire West LSAB (hosted by Disability Positive) have written and produced.

The group are individuals who have been affected by adult abuse or have an interest in stopping it. They wanted to raise awareness of adult abuse and so as part of our workplan, we discussed what adult abuse was and how we wanted to be treated.
We took the words that everyone came up with to fit them into verses with each one concentrating on a different type of abuse. We wanted a chorus that would be really positive about “don’t just talk about it, report it”.
The Group’s Chairperson, Lynne Turnbull, CEO of Disability Positive, then suggested signing the song, so went on to teach us the signs to go with the words, and one of our talented members created a tune to go with the words which she played on her clarinet.

To watch this very powerful message, please follow this link

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