Disability Positive (new name for Cheshire Centre for Independent Living) are currently working with the personalisation team at Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group to establish and complete a small research project.
The project is centred on developing 3 focus groups with the intention of gaining their perceptions and understanding of personal health budgets, specifically for individuals with lived experience of being supported under Section S117.
Would you or someone you know like to be involved?
Are you able to identify anyone with lived experience who would be willing to get involved?
The 3 focus groups are as follows:
- People who are ready for discharge and eligible for S117 support
- People in receipt of S117 support at present
- People discharged in the last year who did not receive S117 support
Meetings will primarily take place via Microsoft Teams/Zoom, however, this may not suit some people, therefore if you/they are happy to chat, email or phone please contact Annette
If you require further information, Annette can be contacted via:
Email: annette@disabilitypostive.org
Telephone: 01606 331853