We are working with Manchester Health and Care Commissioning – PHB Team and Abuka to deliver a range of courses to support people in receipt of Personal budgets across Health and Social Care or people looking to work as Personal Assistants.
All courses are 9am – 4:30pm
The Care Certificate
‘Skills for Care’ stipulate that all workers who are new to care and support should complete the nationally recognised ‘Care Certificate’. This is an enjoyable, interesting and informative 3-day course covering all the essential elements relevant to safe and effective working with people.
Day 1 – 20th June
Day 2 – 21st June
Day 3 – 22nd June
Abuka’s Training Studio – Riverview House, Heaton Mersey, Stockport SK4 3GN
All-in-One Day Mandatory Training
This refresher training days covers all the essential elements relevant to safe and legal working with service users in their own homes – all in one, enjoyable day!
Dates: 13th July or 20th July 2022
Abuka’s Training Studio – Riverview House, Heaton Mersey, Stockport SK4 3GN
Good Employer Workshop
This course is suitable for all new and existing individual employers in receipt of a direct payment/personal budget to ensure they are employing their PAs effectively, professionally and working within safe limits.
30th May
17th June
15th July
Online Course – you’ll receive a zoom link once enrolled on the course
To book/enrol on any of the above training, please visit – ABUKA Ltd
View leaflet here