Our Office Number: 01606 331 853

Our Office Number:
01606 331 853


Bolton Payroll Services

Get support with making sure your care works for your needs

Bolton Payroll Services

Thank you for choosing to use our Bolton Payroll Service

We are a charity, and we help people with disability and long-term conditions, and their families to live well. We know it matters because we live with disability and long-term health conditions too.

We have provided payroll services since 2007 to people who are directing their own care. 

Checklist for Employers

To enrol in our service please complete all the forms. 

Name of Form Guidance
1. Payroll Agreement Please complete.
2. Employer Details Please complete.
3. HMRC ‘Authorising your Agent’ Form Please complete. 
• If account is in ‘Employer on behalf of service user’ complete ‘I (employer) obo (service user)’.
• If employer and service user are the same, complete as ‘I (Employer)’
• Please ensure you sign, date, add employers address, post code and contact number. 

Checklist for PA

Please complete all the forms. 

Name of Form Guidance
4. Employee Details Form Please complete.
5. HMRC Starter Checklist       Please complete. Please ask your employee to provide you with a P45 from their previous role (if they have one).

Pension Regulations

As you are aware, the law has changed and all employers (including anyone employing staff to provide them with support or care) are obliged to provide employees with access to a pension scheme.  You will be auto enrolled into the pension scheme, if your employee wishes to opt out then you must contact us to notify us of this.

  • We have selected National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) as they are a government scheme set up to provide small employers with pension schemes and currently do not charge a setup fee.  If you select NEST as your pension provider, wecan offer a Direct Debit service for paying pension contributions on your behalf.  

If this is your preferred option, please complete the enclosed form (Pension Authorisation Form) and send back to us.  

  • If you do not wish to use our selected provider, please inform us so that we can update our systems accordingly.  

If you require assistance in completing these forms, or for any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Payroll Team on newaccounts@disabilitypositive.org or call us on 01606 331 853 or 0845 340 2777.

Click on the sections below to start filling in your payroll forms

Your (Client) Responsibilities -

  • Once we are in receipt of all signed and completed paperwork, we will have your account set up with a dedicated payroll clerk, who will contact you, please note, this initial set up timeframe is approx. 8-10 weeks.
  • I agree to ensure sufficient funds are available in my Direct Payments account, by the 10th of each Month to cover Personal Assistants wages and any liabilities due over to HMRC.
  • I agree to inform Disability Positive with any change of circumstances, including change of address, changes to employee’s status.
  • I understand that if I wish to cancel the Payroll Service at any time, I must do so by giving 1 months’ notice in writing.
  • I agree to submit details of hours worked and sickness or holidays taken via email to my designated payroll clerk (to be confirmed) these details are to be submitted no later than 12.00pm 3 working days prior to the payslip due date each pay period or 12.00pm 5 working days prior to the payslip due date if I use supported banking services.
  • I give authority to Disability Positive to liaise with the Pensions Regulator and set up a pension scheme on my behalf.
  • I give authority to Disability Positive to supply my Direct Payment Account details to the pension company.
  • I have read and understood how you will use and process my data for this service and I have informed my employee(s) of the information I provide to you about them, in line with the privacy notice

Our (Disability Positives) responsibilities to you The Employer –

  • We will ensure that all information relating to the account is stored and used in compliance with prevailing data protection.
  • We will run payslip(s) and calculate any Tax, National Insurance & pension contributions and pay these liabilities over to HMRC and Nest pensions.
  • All Employees will be auto enrolled into Nest Pension if they meet the criteria.
  • You will have a designated payroll clerk who will contact you via email and introduce themselves to you.
  • If hours are submitted later than 3 working days before the payslip due date, we will be unable to produce payslip on the scheduled due date and payslips will therefore be provided late.
  • We will be responsible for ensuring payments reach HMRC for the 19th of every month providing that hours have been sent in on time.
  • Please note that if your account has not had payslips run for 3 months consecutively, the account will be closed and HMRC will be notified. If you are no longer employing a PA but wish for your account to remain open whilst you are trying to recruit for a replacement, it is your responsibility to update Disability Positive on a monthly basis.
Employers Name(Required)
(Please print)
Clear Signature
Name of service user (if different from the Employer)(Required)


To be completed and signed by the employee, all details will be treated as confidential.

Employee Personal Details

Date of Birth:(Required)
If you are over state retirement age please provide proof of age (Copy of birth certificate, passport, driving license or NI Exemption certificate). If you do not provide evidence of your age we cannot ensure that the correct National Insurance category is applied to you and you may pay unnecessary NI contributions in this employment. Please ensure you only send a copy and not the original documents.

Contact Details

I have read and understood how my data will be used and processed as a third-party data in line with the privacy notice and I declare that the information given above is true and accurate:
Clear Signature
Print Name:(Required)

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